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THOMAS JOHNES, ESQ. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart



Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 174

Malm9 the caftle of, in Auvergne, taken by Aimerigot Marcel, IT. 296- Bans, fir Agos der fumnders the caftle of La Ecole, I. 274. Barfleur, the town of, In Normandy, taken % Edward the Third, I. 300« Barres, fir Barroit de, (with other French knights) goes to the affiftance of the king of Caftille, III. 269.—Enters Corunna to defend it againft the duke of Lancafter, 274.— Acquires great wealth by deftroying the country before the Englifli army, 284. Bank, St. the caftle of, in Gafcony, taken by the earl of Derby, I- 266.—Retaken by the duke of Anjou, IL ao5. Batefol, fir Seguin de, chofen commander of a- band of freebooters in Gafcony, I. 579.— Takes the city of Auvergne, 1.590.. Battle, noted, between thirty Bretons and thirty Englifh, I. 374, note* Bayeux, the city of, taken by the French under the lord de Coucy, IL 241. Bayomu, the town of} befieged by the king of Caftille, II. 244«—Taken by the dùke of Lancafter, IIL 319. Beam, Peter de, his ftrange dreams, HI. 134.. Bearnois, Ptrxot le, captain of fome free companies, takes the town of Montferrant, in Auvergne, by ftratagem, IIL 580.—Abandons it, and retires to his forts, 584.—Takes the field by order of the earl of Arundel, 627.—Overruns the country of Berry, 635^ Beaufort, the cardinal de, elected pope, under the name of Gregory the Eleventh, II. 74- BeauliiUi William de, captured by the Englifli garrifon of Cherbourg, II. 293. Beaumanohr, the lord of, endeavours to make peace between the lord John de Montford and the lord Charles of Blois, L 651. Beaumont, fir Henry, takes Edward the Second prifoner, while endeavouring to efcape from Briftol, I. 20. Beaumont en Laillois, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 257. Béarnais, the country of, invaded by the Englifh under Edward the Third, L 312. Becherel, the town of, in Brittany, befieged by the French under the lord de Clifton, II. 139.—Surrenders on terms, 162* Bel, John le, his chronicles adopted by Froifiart, as the foundation of his own, L 3. Belleforit, M» de, an- account of hit abridgment of Froiffart's Chronicles, MEMOIRS, p. 6av Belleperebe, the town of, taken by the free companies in the intereft of the prince of Wales, - L 829*—Retaken by the dufce of Bourbon, IL 43. Benedid, pope, eleâed at Avignon, IV. 399.—Forced to refign his dignity by the king of France and the emperor of Germany, 616.—Depofed, 691. Bernn, the town of, taken by the Englifli under the earl of Derby, I. 337.—Retaken by fir Bertrand dû Guefdin, IL 127. Bergerac, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby,. I. 251»—Retaken by the duke of An-jou, IL 200. Berkeley, INDEX. 171

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